
Aeron Repair Horror Story

This is a true story.

Memes are dangerous

Well known for it's signature design, a staple of tech startups, the Aeron is highly coveted chair for individuals that usually lead a sedentary life style.

In Pop Culture

I actually don't remember when I was first introduced to the chair, but I didn't need much convincing, before I even sat on one, I was already sold, since then I've been noticing them in TV shows from the early 2000s, such as The Office (2005), and House (2004).

It can also be seen in Season 16 Episode 19 of The Simpsons, where God is floating on the chair without caster wheels. The Simpsons Season 16 Episode 19

Finding the chair

I must've drooled over one since high school, because I've always wanted one, but growing up in a rural town with no car, I couldn't dream buying a used one. I moved to the city for school, and I found one in my size for $500 CAD. I immediately asked my friend to go after work, then we picked it up in his Golf that night.

'Tis But a Scratch!

It was in a pretty good condition for a chair manufactured in 2001, but it had some problems:

  • The gas cylinder was shot, it wasn't staying lifted.
  • The lumbar support was slightly damaged.
  • The left arm rest side adjustment was loose.
  • Some tilt control was claimed to be broken.
  • Seat mesh was loose.

Alright, let's fix it

  1. Gas cylinder replacement was available on Amazon for about $50 CAD.
  2. Lumbar support was slightly damaged, but it was still usable, gave it a good clean and tried glueing the cracks, but I'm not too worried about it, since I can order a replacement.
  3. After opening up the left arm, the plastic piece that was holding the arm rest was broken, I did find a replacement for about $20 CAD on Amazon, but decided not to buy it, since it didn't affect the functionality of the chair at all.
  4. The control the seller thought was broken was actually working, the knob was just out of place, I was able to put it back in place.
  5. There is a foam that goes between the chair frame and the mesh where the leg meets the chair. It was old and compressed, so I ordered a replacement one from amazon for about $20 CAD, the mesh tension was much better. Thickness difference between old and new foam

The realization

I was able to fix all the minor damages, but the gas cylinder was a different story. I ordered a replacement from Amazon. I was excited to finally have a chair that would stay up.

Living right above a business in a small apartment with no tools and workspace, I had to somehow remove a broken cylinder that has been stuck to the chair for the last 20 years.

So I went and got a pipe wrench from the hardware store and went to work with the chair upside down. I had to remove the old cylinder with the wrench and some hammer. Pipe wrench around the cylinder


It took me about 9 hours on and off to remove the cylinder, I managed to kick the wheel base off.

Pipe wrench

Looking back at it, if I was outside I could've used some hot water to help, but it's done now.


I enjoy sitting on this chair, it makes me feel like as if I'm being cradled mid air, and it helps me maintain a better posture because of the design. It's definitely the highest quality mesh chair I've sat in so far. I am very happy with the results, I would definitely remove the cylinder differently next time.

Chair in front of a desk